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Wednesday 31 August 2011

The Beast from the East...

Over the last couple of months I've had a sinking feeling, I felt overwhelmed by the distance that I will have to cycle in Kenya – 400 km just seemed epic and hard to contemplate. So to conquer the fear of long distance cycling, I decided to sign up for the Beast from the East otherwise known as the BHF London to Hastings cycle ride. Seventy miles over 7 peaks crossing the beautiful North Downs and through the High Weald before facing the South Downs, and then finally down towards the coast (see the map below). My hypothesis being: if I do a 70 mile ride then I will be able to do Kenya.

My friend Nick decided that he wanted to do it with me and it was reassuring to have someone with me who has done plenty of long cycle rides. So, two weeks ago we booked our places and our entry numbers, 531 and 532, promptly arrived in the post. With no expectations I prepped for the day by storing up on my trek bar collection (essential for any sporting activity), eating pasta for 3 days in a row and not cycling all week (I maintain that excess pasta eating is the way forward!).

At the start - waiting to go!
Sunday morning was clear and crisp as we set out at 7.15 am in the taxi to Crystal Palace – Nick did suggest that we ride the 15 miles but I put my foot down...The ride was really well organised and all we had to do was hand in our registration cards and we were off by 8.45 am. I have to say I enjoyed the route out of London; it was hilly but nothing major. As we left London we rode into some beautiful countryside. Nick, much speedier than me and rode ahead, giving me a chance to chat to other cyclists. There was an interesting mixture of keen enthusiasts and relative novices (like me). The first 20 miles were hard but by around 11 am as I approached Tunbridge Wells I started to get into a rhythm and felt really good on the bike. There were a few tough hills, including the one that had a 25% incline (I fell off in a very spectacular way) and the hill that went on for far too long (a few plateaus and then another steep bit to get up). I patted myself on the back when another cyclist with the full cycling gear, amazing road bike and very athletic-looking cycled up to me and asked if I had just cycled up the hill. When I said yes, he looked shocked and congratulated me – he had to get off and walk!!!

Arriving at the beach
Around 1 pm, there was a torrential downpour, we had to shelter under a tree for about half an hour but the weather cleared quickly and we didn’t get too badly soaked. By 2.45 pm we had reached the coast with only about 8 miles to go – I celebrated with a Mars bar (apparently I had burned 4000 calories by that point)! Seeing the sea was incredibly motivating and the final 8 miles passed by quickly. Although there was a minor incident where Nick fell off his bike and managed to bang his head and cut his arm. His bike was also injured…We made it to the finish line and then straight to the first aid tent and Nick was patched up (luckily no serious injuries were sustained).

I really enjoyed the whole day: gorgeous scenery (topped off by reaching the sea), some great people to ride with who really love cycling, and some challenging hills to conquer. I’m so glad that I decided to take on the Beast: the distance wasn’t nearly as scary as it sounded.
On the finish line - looking suitably tired after 70 miles

On the train home with my medal
We took the train back to London and cycled from the station to home, which meant we actually cycled 80 miles on Sunday! I cycled to work on Monday and I felt fine – so now I have to maintain this level of fitness and I am ready to go. Thank you to Nick for riding with me – it was great having you with me.


The London to Hastings route:


  1. amazing how once you've done it, the relief is enormous. 80 miles is more than our longest day!97 kilometres is a piffling 60 miles heh heh - way to go you :)
    Longest I've done is 67 miles - and only 59 days to go! eek!

  2. Hi Claire,

    First proper read of one of your posts! i am in admiration, wow what an achievement. well done you.

    Im going to sponsor you now, i am feeling particularly motivated after that read.

