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Sunday 7 August 2011

@travelingorilla newsflash: Gin improves cycling!

"Every weekend, there are lots of people who genuinely enjoy cycling long distances". This probably doesn’t surprise you but it really has surprised me; I’ve just never noticed the number of dedicated cycling enthusiasts out on the streets of London.

As the world of cycling is slowly revealed to me, I'm starting to notice it everywhere (types of bikes, saddles, helmet styles)! Last night, I went to a house party and I got chatting to two different guys both of whom are avid cyclists. They both regularly cycle around 50 km. It’s really impressive. I'm very envious that they've reached the 50 km mark, today I only cycled a meagre 22 km. But last night taught me that I can nod enthusiastically about cycling and talk about black cabs who've tried to drive into me. I'm getting there: I will be a real cyclist by November!

Along with my new-found awareness of other cyclists, this week has included a few firsts:

"Gin and tonic may help to improve
cycling efficiency" Cohen 2011
  • I changed my brake pads myself – quite easy and I feel proud for not paying the £12 that the bike shop close to work wanted to charge me!
  • I swapped my pain inducing saddle for a specialised women’s gel one– already feeling the benefits. So happy that the divorce from the old saddle has gone ahead. I can report the new saddle is gorgeous and really comfortable. Actually did 22 km today without cycling shorts - testament that my new saddle is AMAZING.
  • I suffered a cycling related burn that made me look like I have joined a strange cult (massive white cross on my back and slightly reddened surrounding skin which is now fading to a tan). Not at all embarrassing when my work colleague gasped and asked what happened to my back before they burst out laughing! Mental note now made: must invite a kind friend or family member over to my flat to plaster me with sunscreen before the next ride.
  • This week I've cycled approx. 120km (Monday to Sunday) - hard to believe but all the shorter one hour rides add up!
  • I have scientifically observed that gin and tonic helps my cycling - seriously considering taking a hip flask with me to Kenya!

Overall training is going well BUT I need to sign up for a practice cycle event so that I can prove to myself I can do over 60km in a day...suggestions for events welcome!


  1. a hip flask? nooo - take a camelbak - 3 liters! ;)

  2. Sandhy, good thinking :) although suspect 3 litres of g&t will send me over the edge!!! May be you could try it on Group 1 and let me know the results?!
