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Monday 14 November 2011

Day 7: Kakamega to Kisumu - FINAL DAY CYCLING!!! only 53 km

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Our final day of cycling and not too much to do only just under 60 km!!!!!!!!! Exhilarated by the realisation that this would be our last day in the saddle - I woke up surprisingly early. Another 7.30 am start. Hoping that next week on holiday I will get to have a lie in!

No rain in sight and everyone's spirits were high despite all of us being tired. There was an odd mixture of excitement and sadness - knowing the challenge was coming to an end. We cycled the first 20km which was so beautiful and with two big-ish hills. Nothing in comparison to the 26km hill. In reflection this final day was so easy because I knew the end was in sight. We stopped at the equator again for one final visit before regrouping closer to town where we cycled as a group with balloons to Kisumu.
My trusty steed
Getting ready for the last 10km

It was wonderful to be with the ladies when they crossed the finish line for some of them this has been a trip which they have been working on for over 18 months. In the end the cycling became part of a daily routine and all the days have merged into one long memory. The sights I have seen over the last few days will stay with me for a long time to come. The Kenyan Rift Valley is so beautiful, fertile and green, with crops of all varieties. We have had such fantastic support by the majority of Kenyans - particularly the children who were always smiling and encouraging. I've meet 71 inspirational women who have shown that women do know how to take on an extreme challenge and win. More than that they have fundraised a staggering £300,000 for charity. The work involved in that cannot be underestimated.

Thank you to each one of them for allowing me to be part of their Cycle Kenyan Challenge.

Group 2 Cycle Kenya - at the finish line!
I haven't given up my cycling shorts yet but it might be a while before I put them on again!

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